Term 2 2024 - Parents & Families
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Dear *|FNAME|*,

Welcome to the newest edition of our Parents and Families Newsletter!

You'll find our latest factsheet which looks at young people's exposure to alcohol and drug use in media and marketing, the impact this exposure has on their own use, and how you can protect your teen from negative influences.

You'll also find the latest evidence-based resources about vaping and smoking, including 2x animated videos and accompanying factsheets developed with Aboriginal young people which explore the harms of vaping and smoking.

We're currently running an online survey asking parents of teenagers how we can improve Positive Choices website! By completing the survey, you'll receive a $20 gift voucher for your time. To participate or to learn more, click here.

To access our many other trusted resources, helpful parenting tips, and reliable alcohol and drug information for parents and families:
We need your feedback to help improve Positive Choices. Tell us what resources you find most useful, what could be improved, and what you want to see more of!

We are looking for
Australian parents and/or carers of teenagers to complete an online survey about our online evidence-based Australian drug education portal, Positive Choices (positivechoices.org.au). Your input will help us provide more relevant and trustworthy resources to better help you talk to your children about drugs and alcohol.

The survey will take between 20-30 minutes and for participating, you’ll receive a $20 Prezzee gift voucher! 
Click the link below to get started:

NEW factsheet: Media and marketing’s influence on drug and alcohol use

Young people can be exposed to alcohol and drug use through ads, TV shows/movies, social media and in the news. This exposure can influence their own use. Our new factsheet offers ways to navigate these potentially harmful influences and protect your teen.

Did you miss our latest webinar on alcohol and anxiety among teens?

Access the full recording + slides from our recent webinar to learn about the links between anxiety and alcohol use among teens as they transition into early adulthood. You'll also gain useful strategies to support your teen and prevent the anxiety-drinking cycle.

Recommended Resource: Shisha No Thanks

Want to learn more about the harms of waterpipe smoking and vaping? Interested in tips to help your teen say no to using shishas and e-cigarettes? Check out these new factsheets by Shisha No Thanks. Now available in English, Arabic, Chinese + other languages!

Upcoming CDAT webinar: Reducing Risks and Intervening Early

Join our free, upcoming webinar on Friday 19th June at 7pm AEST! Learn about trends in substance use among young people, keeping your teen safe at parties + how to effectively communicate with them about drugs.
Learn about the health harms of smoking and vaping, reasons to quit, and gain practical tips for you and your mob! Check out NSW Health's latest resources on smoking and vaping, developed with Aboriginal young people and researchers at the Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use.

You'll find two short animated videos showing how smoking and vaping affects a young person's health, how to break the cycle, and the benefits of quitting. There's also factsheets to go with each video where you'll find more information about the health impacts and where to get help.

To access these resources, visit "The Facts About Smoking" or "The Facts About Vaping" pages below:

A new study by researchers from The Matilda Centre found that young adults who had their first alcoholic drink at an earlier age (15-16 years old) consumed significantly more alcohol per week at age 20 years old than those who had their first drink at a later age (18 years old). Read more here.
A recent study by Cancer Council NSW's Generation Vape project has found that young people perceive e-cigarette use as common amongst peers, and consider vaping as being socially acceptable. It also revealed that e-cigarette use was driven by a desire to fit in. Read the full article here.
Do you have a child aged 13-17?
The Triple E Project are seeking people aged 13-17 to join a study to improve young people’s engagement with health apps. The study will involve using an evidence-based health app designed to help them eat more healthily, be more physically active, get more sleep, and reduce their screen time, smoking and alcohol use. Participants will receive a gift voucher for their time. Find out more here!
The aim of this e-newsletter is to provide our subscribers with information about drug prevention resources, and to share relevant news and events.

Please help us spread the word by forwarding this newsletter to other parents and families within your networks, and encourage them to subscribe here.
Copyright © 2025 Positive Choices, All rights reserved.

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The Positive Choices newsletter is sent out once every term, and contains updates and information relating to the Positive Choices website. Recently published newsletters will take 48 hours to be listed on this page.